HEEEEEYYY, how's it going?? I don't know where to start..
This week we had lunch with a returned missionary and his dad from Chile in the house of Hermana Rodriguez and ate these amazing milanesas. oh...
You bet I am getting the recipe :) haha. That was really fun to meet him and
his dad real quick. Had lunch with the bishop another day. We were early to his
house because my companion was freezing and needed to warm up. He is worse than
you mom, he has slept in a sleeping bag and blanket for all the time we have
been here.. Its crazy. haha. It has been raining the past 2 days in our area
but not where we live. We live in Mendoza which is less elevation than our area
so it was colder and wetter there. haha. Got to use my jacket which I wasn't
expecting haha.
We had a family home evening with family Rodriguez and the returned missionary.
It was to say goodbye and have a spiritual thought from him and his dad. It was
awesome. There was about 8 of us and everyone included in the conversation and
bore testimonies the spirit was really strong. Then we ate empanadas and this
awesome chocolate things. The rm gave me a can of Dr. Pepper and I had like a
million memories flash into my mind but the strongest one was remembering that
we always got a Dr Pepper after we worked hard with dad in the backyard, front
yard, pool, or most importantly, the shabin :) I actually miss working hard
with you guys and Dad in the backyard and the shabin. Yeah, I know, I am weird.
haha. Other things. I think i left the pen drive in our house like the one your
living in so I think I will go buy one. We use them to show videos on tvs and
computers. I'll have to see how much they cost first. I also have to get a
backpack of emergencia in case there is an emergency. So got to go buy that
stuff too.
I say helped because, lets
be real, I was the easy one and the other 5 you bore and are bearing ;)
Oh ....there
is an old missionary couple that work and do the autosufficiente classes here
for people. Anyways... Hermana Johnson speaks English and Spanish and Hermano Johnson
doesn't. So Hermano Johnson was talking to me in English and i started talking
in Spanish and then I was translating words from Spanish to English. It was
actually kind of hard to speak in English hhaha. It can be hard to remember
words in English sometimes with just talking to other missionaries too!! I was
trying to talk with all the guys watching the conference in English and I was
stumbling. I couldn't do it. So, my intention to speak English was instead Spanglish hahaha. I felt so dumb not being able to speak in English really
easily. But then I thought, hey, iI am not supposed to speak in English so Kuddos to me!! For reals though, it was the weirdest thing ever.
Con amor,
Elder Hakes
Elder Hakes
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